英文名称: Dihydrotestosterone
中文别名: 17β-羟基-5α-雄甾烷-3-酮
用途: 雄激素类药。
5a-双氢睾酮是天然产生的活性最强的雄性激素,在体内的生物活性是睾酮的6倍。睾酮在体内发挥生理作用主要通过在靶细胞代谢为双氢睾酮。双氢睾酮透皮吸收凝胶在1982年上市,由Laboratoires Besins International公司(Paris, France)开发,对于皮肤没有刺激性,最初双氢睾酮凝胶用于治疗男子女性乳房发育、小阴茎以及女性硬化萎缩性苔藓,后来适应症扩大,可以用于治疗性腺功能减退和降低分解代谢,例如艾滋病引起的消瘦,以及男性避孕。
Andractim 2.5% gel 80G/TUBE(双氢睾酮2.5%凝胶)
Andractim 2.5% gel is a synthetic version of a hormone called testosterone. It is prescribed in gel form at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for children with hormone deficiencies.
Andractim is not available in the UK so has to be imported from abroad.
It works by correcting the hormone deficiency, either in a particular part of the body or affecting the body as a whole.
This information should be read in conjunction with any information provided by the manufacturer. Each person reacts differently to medicines, so your child will not necessarily suffer every side effect mentioned. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist or telephone one of the contact numbers below.
How is andractim used?
Andractim 2.5% gel is for external use only. Please follow the directions on the packaging. It should be spread over the affected area of skin after washing. The gel should be left to dry for five minutes or so before putting on clothes.
1.Put on a pair of gloves.
2.Squeeze the required amount of gel onto the spatula included in the package.
3.Spread over the affected area evenly.
4.Leave for five minutes.
5.Wash spatula and gloves in warm soapy water ready for the next dose.
Note: Andractim 2.5% gel should not be applied to any broken areas of skin.
Who should not use andractim 2.5% gel?
People who are hypersensitive to andractim 2.5% gel or its ingredients should discuss using this medicine with their doctor.
What are the side effects?
The following side effects are rare and are usually due to the dose of androgen being too high, so will disappear when the dosage is reduced.
•mood swings and irritability
•excessive energy or signs of being hyperactive
•weight gain
•extra hair growth
•oily skin
Andractim 2.5% gel and other medicines
Andractim 2.5% gel is applied externally so should not react with any other medicines.
Important information you should know:
•As this is a specialist treatment, GOSH or your local hospital will supply your child’s medicine. You will need to phone, as arranged, at least ten days before your supply runs out.
•Keep medicines in a safe place where children cannot reach them.
•Keep the gel at room temperature, away from bright light or direct sunlight and away from heat. Do not store in the fridge.
•If the doctor decides that your child should stop using andractim, return any remaining gel to your pharmacist. Do not throw away.